23/24 Class Fees
Half-day Class Fees: Free
Whole-day Class:$4336 (Whole Year)
Whole-day Class Meal Charge:$4653 (Whole Year)

Reference Price List for Paid Items

*The purchase of educational supplies or services is entirely voluntary. Parents can choose to purchase items according to their needs.
Paid Item List 22/23 23/24

Summer Uniform 

(Including  summer jacket , sports uniform)

$378/set $378/set
Winter Uniform(Including sports uniform)
School Coat/Long-sleeved wool $462/set $462/set
School Bag $117/each
Tea and snacks $750/1st term $750/1st term
Tea and snacks $900/2nd term
$900/2nd term
Books and stationery $1482/year $1591.8/year
